API Reference


TyDiQA with support for Boolean questions#

Here, we describe how PrimeQA supports both the boolean questions and the short answer questions in the TyDiQA dataset. This description is inference-only, assuming existing models. For a description of how such models are trained as part of the 11/1/2022 TyDiQA leaderboard submission, see the README

The TyDiQA dataset can be decoded, with full support for both boolean and short-answer questions in two different ways: First, as a single command line argument in run_mrc.py to run all steps, and secondly, as a step-by-step process detailed in the later sections of this README.
The single command line argument is:

python primeqa/mrc/run_mrc.py --model_name_or_path PrimeQA/tydi-reader_bpes-xlmr_large-20221117 \
       --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --fp16 --overwrite_cache \
       --per_device_eval_batch_size 128 --overwrite_output_dir \
       --do_boolean --boolean_config  primeqa/boolqa/tydi_boolqa_config.json

The option --do_boolean supercedes the --do_eval option, and runs the following four-stage process:

  • Machine Reading Comprehension: given a question and answer, find a representative span that may contain a short answer. This is analyzed in detail here

  • Question Type Classification: given the question, decide if it is boolean or short_answer

  • Answer classification (or Evidence Classification): given a question and an answer span, decide whether the span supports yes or no.

  • Score Normalization - span scores may have different dynamic ranges according to whether the question is boolean or short_anwer. Normalize them uniformally to [0,1].

The final evaluation of results after these four steps is in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/sn/all_results.json. The evaluation after only the MRC step is in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/eval_results.json.

We provide pretrained models for each of these downstream components.

Jupyter notebooks and further details#

The output of each individual step is analyzed in more detail this jupyter notebook.

The inner details of the machine reading comprehension for TydiQA are analyzed in more detail in notebook.

The inner details of the answer classifier are analyzed in more detail in notebook.

Some of this system has been described in the papers Do Answers to Boolean Questions Need Explanations? Yes and GAAMA 2.0: An Integrated System that Answers Boolean and Extractive Questions

Configuration file#

The configuration file contains the parameters for each of the post-MRC steps

    "qtc": {
        "id_key": "example_id",
        "sentence1_key": "question",
        "sentence2_key": null,
        "label_list": ["boolean", "other"],
        "output_label_prefix": "question_type",
        "overwrite_cache": true,
        "use_auth_token": true,
        "model_name_or_path": "PrimeQA/tydi-tydi_boolean_question_classifier-xlmr_large-20221117"
    "evc": {
        "id_key": "example_id",
        "sentence1_key": "question",
        "sentence2_key": "passage_answer_text",
        "label_list": ["no", "yes"],
        "output_label_prefix": "boolean_answer",
        "overwrite_cache": true,
        "use_auth_token": true,
        "model_name_or_path": "PrimeQA/tydi-tydi_boolean_answer_classifier-xlmr_large-20221117"
    "sn": {
	"do_apply": true,
        "model_name_or_path": "tests/resources/boolqa/score_normalizer_model/sn.pickle",
        "qtc_is_boolean_label": "boolean",
        "evc_no_answer_class": "no_answer"

and consists of blocks for each of the downstream components. The individual arguments correspond to command line arguments of the individual steps (see below.)

Machine Reading Comprehension#

The machine reading comprehension differs from the default invocation of run_mrc.py (see readme) as follows: the postprocessor provides additional information (language, question) needed by the downstream components

python primeqa/mrc/run_mrc.py --model_name_or_path PrimeQA/tydi-reader_bpes-xlmr_large-20221117 \
        --output_dir ${BASE}/mrc/ --fp16 --learning_rate 4e-5 \
        --do_eval --per_device_train_batch_size 16 --fp16 \
        --per_device_eval_batch_size 128 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
        --warmup_ratio 0.1 --weight_decay 0.1 --save_steps 50000 \
        --overwrite_output_dir --num_train_epochs 1 --evaluation_strategy no \
        --postprocessor primeqa.text_classification.processors.postprocessors.extractive.ExtractivePipelinePostProcessor

Question type classification#

Given a question (obtained from the eval_predictions.json file created in the previous step, predict whether the question is boolean or short_answer.

python primeqa/text_classification/run_nway_classifier.py \
    --overwrite_cache \
    --example_id_key example_id \
    --do_mrc_pipeline \
    --fp16 \
    --sentence1_key question \
    --label_list boolean other \
    --output_label_prefix question_type \
    --model_name_or_path PrimeQA/tydi-tydi_boolean_question_classifier-xlmr_large-20221117 \
    --test_file ${BASE}/mrc/eval_predictions.json \
    --output_dir ${BASE}/qtc \

Answer classification#

Given a question and the passage predicted by the first step, predict whether the span supports a yes or no answer to question. Both question and span are passed through the eval_predictions.json file output by the previous step. The details of this process are analyzed in this jupyter notebook.

python primeqa/text_classification/run_nway_classifier.py \
    --overwrite_cache  \
    --example_id_key example_id \
    --do_mrc_pipeline \
    --sentence1_key question \
    --sentence2_key passage_answer_text \
    --label_list no yes \
    --output_label_prefix boolean_answer \
    --model_name_or_path PrimeQA/tydi-tydi_boolean_answer_classifier-xlmr_large-20221117 \
    --test_file ${BASE}/qtc/predictions.json \
    --output_dir ${BASE}/evc \

Score normalization#

Span scores may have different dynamic ranges according as whether the question is boolean or short_anwer. Normalize them uniformally to [0,1]. and output a file suitable for the TyDiQA evaluation script. Warning: The score normalizer was developed for a leaderboard submission with a hidden test set.

Therefore, the score normalizer component was trained on system output on half of the dev set. As a result the full dev set results are contaminated. The fair evaluation of the submission is on the TyDiQA leaderboard itself.

Another fair evalutation is on the other half of the dev set - for details, see training

python primeqa/boolqa/run_score_normalizer.py \
    --test_file ${BASE}/evc/predictions.json \
    --model_name_or_path tests/resources/boolqa/score_normalizer_model/sn.pickle \
    --output_dir ${BASE}/sn \